• Ohana Cafe Cozumel
  • Ohana Cafe Cozumel
  • Ohana Cafe Cozumel
  • Ohana Cafe Cozumel
  • Ohana Cafe Cozumel

Located in Downtown Cozumel

Avenida 5 between 6th y 8th Norte
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The story behind our name

‘Ohana means family in an extended sense of the term, including blood-related, adopted, or intentional. It emphasizes that family and friends are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another.

La historia detras de nuestra nombre

‘Ohana significa familia en un sentido extenso del termino, incluydeno parientes de sangres, adoptivos, o intentionales. Se enfatiza que la Familia y amigos se encuentran unidos y deben cooperar y recordase entre si.

'Ohana Also Recommends: "Freedom in Paradise" (Paradise Café) & "Rastas" www.bobmarleybar.com